Public Participation Rules at City of Molalla Council Meetings


Guidelines for Participating at a City Council, Board, or Commission Meeting

City Council meetings are for City elected officials to deliberate and act on policy matters pertaining to City business.  The Council invites the exchange of ideas with the public.  The meeting provides a better understanding of City government and the Council.  

Public Comment is a section of the agenda providing an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on matters NOT related to the current agenda.  Here is how to participate:

  • Complete a Comment Card, located at the room entrance, for each subject under which you wish to provide comment and submit it to the City Recorder prior to the meeting.   Please note on the form the agenda item you wish to address.  Please print the requested information clearly.
  • When the Mayor calls your name, proceed to the podium and speak into the microphone.  Begin speaking by stating your name and the city in which you reside into the record.
  • Each speaker is given 3 minutes to speak.  The Mayor may extend this time for an additional 2 minutes if the City Council votes to extend the time.
  • Speakers are summoned in the order in which the Comment Card was received.
  • The public comment period shall not exceed 30 minutes unless a majority of the Council quorum votes to extend the time. 

Items on the Agenda

Citizens may speak on specific issues being heard by City Council. When the Mayor addresses an agenda item and asks if anyone wishes to be heard, you may speak either in favor, in opposition, or provide neutral comments. Remember to speak only on the subject being discussed.

What do I say? 

First, state your name and the city where you reside.  Express your views or suggestions in a courteous, considerate manner.  As a rule, the Council does not carry on a dialog with the speaker, but the Mayor and Councilors may assign the City Manager to review and respond to the comments.  If necessary, the Mayor may ask the appropriate staff person to respond at the meeting, but keep in mind this is not a forum for public debate

Group Comments

A group with a common purpose, such as a neighborhood association, must choose one spokesperson and will be limited to 5 minutes.

Addressing the Council

When speaking to the City Council, it is common to address them by title as Mayor or Councilor.  Remember to direct all remarks and questions to the Council through the Mayor.  It is not appropriate to address the audience or the staff directly. 

Do you have a complaint?

It is recommended that resolution of complaints be addressed first through the appropriate City department before the matter is brought to the City Council.

Special Note

The Mayor presides over the meeting according to standard parliamentary procedures and enforces the Rules of Conduct pursuant to the Molalla City Charter.

About the City Council

The City Council is composed of a Mayor and six Councilors elected from the City at large for terms of four years each, up to two terms.  A Council President is elected by the City Council at the beginning of each year to perform the duties of Mayor in the absence of that official.  The Council serves as the City’s policy-making and legislative body. The City Council also hears and decides land-use appeals and adopts the City’s annual budget.

Molalla’s Form of Government

Molalla is a full-service city operating under the council-manager form of government.

The Council appoints and evaluates a professional city manager to serve as the executive head of city government.  Responsibilities include preparing and administering the annual budget; supervising the City’s departments; advising the Council on policy issues and current developments; implementing Council decisions; and providing leadership to managers and staff in achieving Council goals and priorities.