Public Records Information Request

Note: Click Here for POLICE records requests

What is a public record?
A public record includes any writing relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used or retained by a public body, regardless of physical form or characteristics. A “writing” is defined as: handwriting, typewriting, printing, photographing and every means of recording, including letters, words, pictures, sounds or symbols or combination thereof, and all papers, maps, files, facsimiles or electronic recordings. Writing also includes information stored on computer tape, microfiche, films or videotape and virtually any other method of recording information. Public records may be in ‘machine readable or electronic form’.

How soon must the City respond to a request for public records?
The city's records custodian must acknowledge receipt of the request within 5 business days, and must provide the requested document(s) within 10 business days after acknowledgement. If the records custodian is on leave when the request is submitted, the city will respond as soon as practicable. 

What public records are exempt from disclosure?
In Oregon, the Public Records Law is a disclosure law, rather than a confidentiality law. Exemptions are contained in ORS 192.501 & 192.502, and are applied on a case-by-case basis.

What can the City charge for providing copies of public records?
A public body is allowed to charge for the actual cost in making the record(s) available, including staff time to search for the records.  The city has adopted three levels of requests; Level 1 requests are provided at no charge; Level 2 requests are $25.00 plus per-page fees; Level 3 requests will be all actual costs to reproduce. Please see the Public Records Request Form and Administrative Policy for more information.

How do I make a Public Records Request?
Complete the Public Record Request form below and submit to the City Recorder at City Hall via drop-off or mail, 117 N. Molalla Avenue, Molalla, OR 97038, or email Christie Teets,