Internet Use


The Molalla Public Library has 8 public stations. Patrons may sign up for a 1 hour session with a valid library card. If no one is waiting, sessions may be extended an additional hour in one day.

WIFI is available for the public. They will need to accept the Internet Policy to obtain online access. The time restrictions do not apply for those using personal computers.  Access the Molalla-Public-WIFI signal. The password is “molallapl”.


  1. Start a session using a valid library card.
    1. If all computers are busy, sign up using the reservation system.
  2. The last four digits of your primary phone number is usually your PIN number.
  3. A guest pass is available at the circulation desk.
    1. Must be 14 years or older.
    2. There is a 2 hour limit a day for a guest pass.
    3. Only one guest pass per person per day.
    4. Anyone receiving a guest pass must sign the guest pass registration log.
  4. A maximum of one person per computer workstation at a time. Exception: If a patron needs supervision or assistance, e.g. minors with parents, disabled person, etc. 
  5. Attempts to circumvent or violate work station, network, or host security will suspend your right to access of library computers (ORS 164.377 computer crime).
  6. The internet contains materials of a controversial nature and some information is not accurate. You are responsible for the material you access.
  7. Parents and guardians are responsible for monitoring material accessed by a minor.
  8. Definitions in ORS 167.060 to 167.095 prohibit the display of obscenity in public places.
  9. The City of Molalla does not tolerate sexual harassment in the workplace. You may not display (on a screen) or print materials which may be objectionable to staff or the public.
  10. Public internet access is provided by the Molalla Public Library, a government agency, and is not private.
  11. Internet access may not always be available.
  12. The documents sent to the printer are deleted at closing each evening.